How to set up a new project in Firebase

Go to the Firebase console and click “Add project”

Follow the instructions to create your new project.

Add a Realtime Database

With your new project open, click the “Realtime Database” icon in the side navigation.

On the Realtime Database page, click “Create Database”

This will add a line to your configuration object that will include your database URL. We’ll take a look at that on the next step.

Go to Project Settings to get your configuration code

To find your configuration code, do the following:

In the side nav, click the Settings icon > Project settings

Scroll down to SKD setup and configuration

Click the CDN radio button

Why we’re choosing the CDN option: this allows us to use Firebase in our vanilla Javascript program without requiring us to use a module bundler like webpack. We want to get up and running quickly with the most basic setup possible. The CDN allows us to do that.

Confirm that your databaseURL is in your configuration object

In the firebaseConfig object, you should see a line for databaseURL. If you don’t see it, refresh the page.

You’re done configuring your project in the Firebase console. Now let’s move to our code.

Instructions for setting up firebase in your code will be in the next blog post (stay tuned).